The Murphy Funeral Home
296 Isabella Street
K8A 5S9
The days following a funeral can be stressful and perplexing for a family who have suffered a loss of a loved one, as well as those who are acting as executor or executrix, responsible for the estate. At the Murphy Funeral Home we continue to provide guidance and support through our aftercare assistance. Filling out applications for survivor benefits, notifications, transfer of benefits and Things to do Checklists are but a few of the things we do that are greatly appreciated by the families we have served.
Murphy Funeral Home will help you and your family by easing the stress of making contact with Canada Pension, Superannuation, Income Securities, Life Insurance Companies, and any other source you request. On your behalf we will also will return health card, social insurance card, seniors privilege card, passport or any other document that requires it be returned. We provide an extensive estate checklist to help you remember other duties that are required of the estate trustee/executor. We offer all of this to you at no additional cost.
• Complete the application for Canada Pension Plan lump sum Death Benefit.
• Complete the application for Canada Pension Plan monthly Survivor’s Pension.
• Complete the application for Canada Pension Plan monthly Children’s Benefit.
• Obtain and complete life insurance claimant forms.
• Obtain and complete employer health, life insurance and pension forms.
• Give notification and supply Certificates of Death to any bank, trust company, union, etc.
• Deliver all completed forms to their required locations.
• Any other services you may require.
is a comprehensive 2-part
estate management system that will save you time
and money when organizing or settling an estate.
Backed by a team of experts in Canada and the U.S.,
including lawyers and accountants who
specialize in estate administration,
our toolkit is legally audited once a year
and new content is routinely added.
Our Families receive an Executor's Tool Kit
as part of our post funeral service program.
by Doug Manning
This is a site intended for both those who are
grieving and those who are involved in elder care,
who need a place to gather information and help.
The Caring Community Site has two areas of expertise