The Murphy Funeral Home
296 Isabella Street
K8A 5S9
We are pleased to provide you with a full disclosure of our Professional Service Charges.
To help you understand Funeral Costs we have prepared an outline of the categories that make up a funeral account. There are basically four sections that make up the total funeral account: Casket & Merchandise Selections, Professional Service Charges, Cash Disbursements and unfortunately the government imposed taxes on applicable items.
Funeral Directors Services (required)To aid consumers, legislation provides that all funeral homes must provide an itemized price list of all of their related Professional Service Charges (Click here to request a copy of our Funeral Price List) as well as casket and merchandise charges. This list must be available at consumers' request without cost or obligation.
We pride ourselves on always being one of the most reasonably priced funeral homes in the area, although many expect our charges to be much higher given the level of professionalism, quality of facilities and ethical standards. Consumers and families finally can learn first hand that there is a difference and families needn't fall into the trap of traditional loyalty many funeral homes attempt to count on. Today, being good is not good enough.
We trust that this service will give you one more reason to give the The Murphy Funeral Home serious consideration when seeking a funeral home that is pro-actively working towards providing you the highest standards of services and facilities while offering sensible and affordable solutions.
This service includes but is not limited to the work done by our Funeral Director(s) on behalf of the purchaser. This would include the coordination and directing of the services of our staff and agents with those of the hospital, nursing home, cemetery or crematorium, church and clergy, organist, pallbearers, service and fraternal organizations, transferring the deceased from the place of death, securing burial permits and arranging for the final disposition. It also includes invoices, the placing of obituary notices, booking staff and vehicles and other support functions. The 24 hour availability and consultation with the family to complete all details for the services required.
This service includes but is not limited to staffing, cleaning, maintenance of premises and grounds. It includes the maintenance of permanent records, memorial donation administration, accounting, legal and advertising and public awareness fees.
Describe the benefits and advantages of this group of services.
This service includes but is not limited to, preparing for the visitation, staffing during visitation, receiving and arranging floral tributes, coordinating donations/Mass offerings and other duties associated with the rites and services during visitation.
This charge is for obtaining the necessary information to complete the documentation legally required in connection with the final disposition of the deceased, arranging for the filing of the documentation and registration of the death, obtaining documents from the physician/coroner and providing as many Funeral Director
Embalming is not a requirement by law. However, funeral arrangements selected with viewing or the holding of the deceased for a period in excess of 48 hours between death and final disposition, requires embalming by funeral home policy. This includes dressing, cosmetics, hairdressing and placing the deceased in the casket. These services are performed by a Funeral Director licenced under the Board of Funeral Services of Ontario.
This service is provided to facilitate identification by the family when no embalming is to be performed. This service includes the professional care by a licenced Funeral Director of extra disinfection and the posing of the features.
This service includes but is not limited to a vehicle and funeral director to assist with the graveside interment of cremated remains and coordination of clergy and cemetery arrangements.
This service is provided to facilitate identification by the family when no embalming is to be performed. This service includes the professional care by a licenced Funeral Director of extra disinfection and the posing of the features.
This is a minimum charge made by us in all cases for the use of our facilities, including parking areas, areas open to the public within our funeral home, our arrangement office, casket display room, lounge for coffee, tea etc. and other facilities and equipment required to operate as a licenced funeral home.
This includes the use of our premises, furnishings and equipment the day or the funeral at Church/or Chapel. This may include any or all of the following, lectern, organ, sound equipment, religious equipment, flower and donation card display stands, casket bier, memory boards, urn stands and flower stands.
This includes the use of our facility for reception of family and friends and may include any or all of the following, register stand, religious equipment, memory boards, picture stands, name tags, donation stands etc.
Includes the use of all necessary equipment for the professional and sanitary care of the deceased together with a room for this purpose. It includes the necessary equipment and supplies to put us in compliance with all legal requirements and is inspected by the Department of Health for the Board of Funeral Services on an annual basis.
This vehicle is used by our staff in making arrangements, picking up and filing documentation necessary for our services and any other trips that are necessary in conjunction with the services being performed by us. The charge for this vehicle is a flat fee for all funeral services performed by us. This vehicle may be used for delivery of floral arrangements by our staff to the Church, cemetery and hospitals and nursing homes or other designated places as instructed by the family following the funeral.
The use of this vehicle may include any of the following, transportation of clergy to the funeral home, or place of funeral rite. Transportation of clergy to place of final disposition and leading the funeral procession.
The use of this vehicle includes the transportation of the deceased from our facility to the place of the funeral rite and to the place of final disposition.
This vehicle will transport the pallbearers from the funeral home to the place of funeral rite to the place of final disposition and return.
The use of this vehicle will transport the family from our facility to the place of the funeral rite and to the place of final disposition and return.
This includes the vehicle and professional staff to transfer the deceased from the place of death to the funeral home within a 50 km radius .
Our firm offers families the following. Register/memory book, acknowledgement cards(as many as required) to thank those sending flowers, making donations or any other expression of kindness, bookmarks, To Do Lists, the Executor’s Tool Kit and self help brochures plus follow up information.