The Murphy Funeral Home
296 Isabella Street
K8A 5S9
Burial Vaults help protect the deceased and the casket or urn against the entrance of any environmental elements such as water or insects.
A broad selection of vaults range in levels of protection from the basic concrete product to highly protective lined vaults manufactured with a combination of concrete cores with ABS Plastic liners up to Copper & Bronze lining for the maximum protection available.
In many areas, cemeteries require the use of some form of burial vault be used with any interment to help protect the stability of the grave.
The Guardian is an Unlined Concrete
Container with gasket in cover and painted
gold Measures: 90.00"x34.00"x33.75"
Weight: 2320lbs By Costello
Titan Interior reinforced with Durapreme®
plastic liner.Custom nameplate and
decorative emblems Measures
90.00"x34.00"x33.75" By Costello
Finest single reinforced burial vault with the
rich look of polished marble. High strength
concrete with ABS Fiberlon™ plastic
reinforced cover and base. Measures
96.00"x40.00"x40.75" By Costello
reinforced urn vault.Concrete exterior with
a Durapreme® plastic-reinforced cover
and base. Measures
15.00"x15.00"x17.70" By Costello
Single reinforced burial vault with high
gloss brown liner. High strength
concrete with Fiberlon™ plastic
reinforced cover and base. Measures
15.00"x15.00"x17.70" By Costello
Sturdy secure waterproof urn vault measures
14.6 x 9 x 9 By Eckels
Marbelon inside and outside secure from the elements.
Measures 16" x 13" x 11.5" By Costello